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One of the best parts of vacation is having more time to read. Notably, I caught up on the My Hero Academia volumes and listened to a lot of historical queer romances (all but one by the author KJ Charles) on audiobook, usually while playing solitaire or going for a run. I also read The Other Merlin by Robyn Schneider, the first Arthurian legend retelling I’ve sincerely loved since watching the BBC show Merlin.

The manga volumes don’t take long to plow through, but if I include them (and I do, who says graphic novels don’t count?) I got through thirteen books in my two-week stay in Hawaii. Unless it was watching a show or the Olympics with my family, I resolved not to do any TV on my own while on vacation. (Now that I’m home I’m getting sucked into rewatching the My Hero Academia anime . . . but what did I expect?).

If you’re interested in these historical queer romance books, I started with KJ Charles’ Slippery Creatures. I finished it just before vacation but it’s book one of The Will Darling Adventures trilogy set in the 1920s. It may be what is considered a cozy mystery? There’s plenty of action and intrigue, along with what is dubbed as “mature themes”. (That just means there’s sex).

My Vacation Reads

This reading frenzy has me well above pace for my reading goal this year, but I know I’ll need it. I go through seasons of books, shows, time dedicated to fanfiction . . . but I sincerely enjoyed all my vacation reading. It’s a privilege to have had the time.

With Love,
