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Back in Green Bay at the airport hotel. There’s still some novelty in this for me. Staying in a hotel room. Taking a drive. All that time just staying in my condo and going nowhere all day (which most of the time I love) makes a 3-star hotel in Green Bay feel . . . special? Even if I’m just eating take out on the bed while finishing work emails and watching Brené Brown’s Atlas of the Heart special on HBO. But it is a king-size bed. I do love a king-size bed.

What I don’t love is the inevitable anxiety and insomnia that comes any time I have to get up early for a flight, but maybe I’ll get lucky. And no matter what tomorrow I get to see my best friends.

God, I love my friends.

If the airline deities stay happy, I’ll be in Boston before noon and checking in to a hotel in Andover by mid-afternoon, ready for a wedding weekend. (That whole sentence feels like a jinx. I love you airline deities. We can do this.)

So my updates this week will most likely be travel updates as I hop from the wedding weekend over to Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky. I should be back home a week from today.

Time to wind down with a hot shower. (Why do I love to shower in hotel rooms? Is this just a me-thing?).


With Love,
