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Two bald eagles, soaring together in the evening sky. It’s the first time we’ve seen that here, a pair together. We see them while we hear geese somewhere beyond the trees. 

I leave work early to walk. Up the bluff road so I can stroll in the sun and breathe while I imagine future running routes and look out at the bay below. Then, down the bluff road and over to the 15-acre wood where my parents meet me at the end of Lori Lane. We walk through old trails made new connected with new trails christened by deer footprints. 

There’s a whole future mapped out in these trees. I can see it.

We walk over a new handmade bridge and down the flagstone path to the water. Here the ice has pushed up against the shore in ragged shelves as the lake melts winter away. It’s beautiful. 

I walk home at twilight.Quiet roads on a quiet night. There is so much to be grateful for. 

With Love,
