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The oddness of Tuesday, starting with how many times I’ve believed it’s Wednesday.

The day oscillates . . . I spend less than thirty minutes in meetings for the first time in . . . months? . . . years? . . . and projects get done, one after the other. We commit, as a company, to blocking Tuesdays as a no internal meeting day going forward. Imagine, a whole day to get work done interrupted. We’ll see how it plays out but I’m grateful for the time today.

I look outside and it snows in flurries most of the day, fat flakes that pool on the balcony furniture I put out a little too soon. April 26th and the “feels like” temperature says twenty-four degrees. I go for a walk after dinner anyway, bundled for winter.

A typo I catch too late gives me anxiety, but not as much as seeing my neighbors’ door kept open with the deadbolt out but no one is home, no one has been home all winter. Calling out hello to an empty building sets my nerves on edge, but after a few texts I find out it’s left propped purpose for maintenance access tomorrow. We make up so many stories.

I get another query rejection. I watch Miraculous Ladybug episodes with as much joy as the first time. I get my questions answered over the phone about future daycare. Oscillation, oddities. There isn’t always a thread to pull life together. Sometimes that’s just life.

With Love,
