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When things break, I am not always quick to fix them. I’m not speaking in metaphors here — I really do mean things. I have never been particularly apt at preventative care and I’m slow to replace things that need replacing.

I’ve been struggling with my computer lately (for a few months) . . . watching it freeze up, take 15 minutes to fully awake each time I closed it, and force frequently used applications to behave oddly. To the point where I did do some things: restart, do software upgrades, clear out the storage space, etc. As well as loudly complain to anyone around me that I was going to have to get a new computer and how I really didn’t want to.

I bought my struggling Macbook Air from my friend Ashley two years ago after he’d already been in use for a while. His name is Lance. That’s a downside to my penchant for naming things: I get attached. Like actually emotionally attached to the point where I was apologizing to Lance because it wasn’t his fault and he tries so hard . . . Lance is my favorite character from Voltron (who just wants to be enough goddammit) so I was projecting a little.

After this odd emotional crisis with my inanimate object passed, I finally bit the bullet and order a Macbook Pro. I picked him on Saturday and have spent time this weekend configuring settings (I always switch the scroll direction, for example, the “natural” just doesn’t make sense to me), transferring software licenses, and setting up two profiles: one for work and one for personal. It’s not that work wouldn’t have helped out purchasing a new computer, but I prefer to have only one device and I want it to be mine.

His name (my Macbook Pro, that is) is Tobio Kageyama, christened from the deuteragonist in Haikyuu!! (my volleyball anime). He’s the setter (my position when I play) and the control tower for the team. It seems fitting that my computer should aspire to the same genius-like precision and strength. So far so good.

I do, again, though recommending naming things, mostly because it’s fun. I get to pick desktop backgrounds and screensavers on theme with the name and I even ordered a decal (a feather turning into a flock of birds . . . everyone should watch this show) for the outside cover. My phone, likewise, is themed with its name (Adrien aka Chat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug) with matching case and background screens.

My past laptop names have now included:

  • Lance (Voltron)
  • Peter (Spider-Man)
  • Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Harry (Harry Potter)

I have high hopes for Tobio. And high hopes for myself that I will keep getting better at doing something when things aren’t working, rather than waiting till the end of my rope. Seeing a computer just start up right away this morning made me want to cry.

With Love,
