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I’m traveling to Austin today for work. The day is a little longer than usual due to schedule changes from my original booking and now I have a five-hour layover in O’Hare. I guess the good thing is that it allows me to be online and work behind the scenes for a lot of the day. And the bad thing is that it’s five hours in O’Hare where I have no excuse not to be online and work. 

The time is moving fast though and in a way it’s nice to keep up with what’s going on today so I don’t get behind, especially going into a weekend and week where work is the focus. 

And there are some things I do enjoy about travel — like getting a sandwich from Great American Bagel. And McDonald’s Diet Coke. So . . . the fast food? That’s what I like the most. 

I like the excuse on the plane to watch a show and let the time pass while I’m disconnected from internet. I know some people also work during this time?? We need to collectively chill out about that. 

I like finding quiet pockets of the airport that aren’t busy. Right now I’m parked at an empty gate in the corner of the course where a dozen individuals have spread out and are collectively claiming this as a quiet zone. 

Okay, update: it was a quiet zone but I wrote than an hour ago and now I’m in a hotbed of people again but I’ll be boarding soon.

Tonight: get rental car, get to hotel, and maybe have a nightcap at the rooftop bar with my colleague.

Tomorrow: go to a football game?? Uff da.

With Love,