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Yesterday took the road south out of Kihei, passed Makena Beach, all the way to the end where the trail through the lava fields begins. The hike along the ocean is like walking through a moonscape, the black rocks reflecting the sun making us sweat as the sun got higher. It was absolutely breathtaking.

On the way, another hiker gave us a tip to find a good lookout point by the lighthouse (or light pole, as it was) and my family of four ventured down some very unsteady rocks to a tucked-away cove where we could watch the waves crash against the rocks and stare out at the ocean in isolated peace.

We also donned this year’s family T-shirt for the hike, a three-year tradition I initiate. Like every year, it has our family motto “We’re Easy Going.” Or should I say it has our aspirational family motto. Or maybe we’re learning to be easy going but we have a very productive strain of anxiety so here’s hoping for the best.

Our four-mile hike took most of the morning, the technical trail and eventual beating sun making it slower than usual, and while we were definitely ready for some AC afterward, it was beyond worth it.

With Love,


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