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Directions: Apply liberally to troublesome thoughts that stick, ooze, and batter. Most effective when used with self-compassion and a good night’s sleep.

  1. Acknowledge the thought, let it go, come back to the breath, meditation style
  2. Do that again, as many times as you can bear
  3. Go for a walk, give the thought space
  4. Go talk to someone, get it out of your body and out of power
  5. Read a book, listen to a podcast, watch TV, crowd your mind with anything else
  6. Write it down, write the opposite, write your way into it, memorialize it or rip it to pieces
  7. Say it out loud: “I am not my thoughts.”
  8. Remember the first thought is a reaction, the second thought is who you are, so make it count
  9. Drink a glass of water and another
  10. Sink into the thought if you must, let it spiral itself right out, hold yourself through it and after it

With Love,
