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My feet have carried me on this path
For years, hundreds of times
In loops I’d take in the middle of the workday
Sometimes to breathe, sometimes to think
Sometimes to cry
And now the parking lot is deserted
When I cut through it every evening

It’s strange when all I crave is skin to skin
I seek places that are hidden, empty
So that I can spin around
To the lyrics in my headphones
Walk and double back and walk
That stretch of pavement
Until tears blink into determination
Or something close to it
Buying myself time

But life is not a finish line
And maybe strength
Is in the repetitions
All the small ways we break apart
And glue ourselves back together

My feet have carried me on this path
Or one like it
For a lifetime, millions of steps
And some days I stop
Look up
And remember who I am
Who I want to be

Show up
Be brave
Move forward


With Love,