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I have almost written three blogs tonight. One on the Ted Talk “Everyday Leadership“. One on the Ted Talk “How to start a movement.” One on living an integrated life from the HBR article on authentic leadership. I had some of them all typed out until I check my archives and realized I’ve written about all three before.

They’re all pieces of content I use early on in the Leadership Development Program at work which started up again in the past couple of weeks. I love revisiting the content each year–the spiral of approaching the same thing with a slightly different perspective based on where I am in life (something I’ve also written about before, all the way back in 2019).

Writing a post every day will do that to you . . . similar patterns show up, I stumble back onto the same topics, my gratitude lists have plenty of featured repeats. But in a way, it’s nice to run into something again. These topics resonated with me in the past and they are still teaching me now. I am someone who rereads, who rewatches, who consumes the same content multiple times because I get something new for it. Why shouldn’t this writing project be the same?

With Love,
