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I’m not going to lie, I am having a hard time thinking of something to write about that’s not Spider-Man.

No spoilers, of course.

So let’s end (or start) the week on some gratitude.

  1. Just getting this out of the way: I am very grateful for the new Spider-Man movie. And despite the hassle, I am glad I saw it in theaters on opening night. There really is nothing like an opening night Marvel movie crowd and seeing Spidey on the big screen. So even though I am an emotional wreck, I am grateful to be alive at at time when these stories are being told.
  2. I am grateful for remote work. That I can hop around to Madison and back again and not miss a meeting. Work stresses me out sometimes, but I’m in a flexible situation and I love that.
  3. I am grateful for the good books I’m reading, even though it gives me imposter sydrome about my own writing there is something so life affirming about beautiful, interesting, (queer) well-written stories.
  4. I am grateful that I saw two of my best friends this week, Jenna for a night at her place in Milwaukee, and Zia now here in Door County for the week.
  5. I am grateful for vaccines. And boosters. And the pack of Spider-Man themed fask masks my secret santa at work gave me.
  6. I am grateful for my heating pad which I lay on my lap during the workday or in the evening or right now because I keep the air cool in my condo and my core warm and it’s perfect.
  7. I am grateful for the two chapters I revised today even though it was a hercuelean effort to get my brain off superheroes long enough to write about cross country running.
  8. I am grateful for my own bed again tonight.
  9. I am grateful I didn’t open a bottle of wine for myself tonight even though, I admit, the Sunday Scaries have me in their grip.
  10. I am very, very grateful to fanfiction writers. We are so blessed.

With Love,
