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“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”

Lena Horne

Ways I am trying to change how I carry the load:

Runs, walks, I picked up some weights today. It’s been a minute.

Bless you wine but I can not drink you during the week.

Fiction, parenting books, podcasts about leadership and life . . . in short, outside perspective.

Making plans. Looking forward. Friends and holiday parties and the future.

Making lists and tackling one hard thing at a time.

Making time to rest. I watched all six episodes of the new Young Royals season last night and it was absolutely worth skipping out on the extra work I had intended to do instead.

I breathe in. I breathe out. It’s all been said before. It’s always worked before. Nothing is instant relief but I look trust the long arcs and keep going.

With Love,