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My parents and I went to a Door Shakespeare performance this evening: The Three Musketeers: An Adventure with Music. Door Shakespeare is one of the numerous theater companies in Door County, focusing not only on Shakespearian plays but other classical and contemporary productions. In addition to The Three Musketeers, the company is also performing The Tempest on alternative nights — another show I would like to get to this summer.

I don’t have a memory of going to this theater before. It’s tucked away on the Michigan side of the peninsula, just south of Bailey’s Harbor, and close to the shoreline. There’s an open grassy area that we took advantage of to lay out a picnic before the show. The stage itself is constructed around a large and beautiful sugar maple tree, with candle lanterns hanging from a few of its branches. With the whole area surrounded by more woods, it’s a perfect setting for outdoor theater.

I am familiar with The Three Musketeers from the Logan Lerman movie in 2011 and the BBC show The Musketeers (2014-2016), but I’ve never seen a live production. They did an amazing job, better than I could have expected. There was great music and wonderfully choreographed swordplay and it was funny. I’d probably see it again, even.

It also felt like a very Door County summer activity, something I’ve been craving after a chaotic past month. And it was a good reminder that I do enjoy live theater. Especially when there’s some music.

With Love,