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“The opposite of depression is expression. What comes out of our body doesn’t make us ill, what stays in there does.”

Dr. Edith Eger

This quote hit me in the gut all over again this evening. Dr. Edith Eger is a clinical psychologist, author of the books The Gift and The Choice, and a holocaust survivor. Brené Brown interviewed her for her Unlocking Us podcast. It’s worth a listen.

We need to exude, create, talk, feel out loud. My experience with depression has been shutting down. The Pixar film Inside Out does a great job of depicting it. It’s not sadness, it’s numbness. We need sadness. We need all our feelings. It’s when we keep them in and don’t let ourselves process anger, grief, or disappointment that we get mixed up inside.

When I heard her say this on the podcast the first thing I thought of was this blog. It’s an imperfect exercise in getting out of my body and onto the page. Some days I need it more than others. But that’s why I started this in 2019, a chance to create every day. Not so I can do anything profound here, but so that I am making and feeling and holding this space for myself. Thank you if you’ve followed along.

I hope you hold this space for yourself too — whether that expression is running or walking or dancing or writing or singing or drawing or talking to a friend or talking to the ocean.

With Love,
