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My mother is a much better nap-taker than I am for many reasons, but mainly that she actually takes naps. And partially become she has this magic ability to actually fall asleep in 30 seconds, a feat I’ve rarely accomplished and when I have there was alcohol involved.

For a similar reason that I have to coax myself to actually turn off the light at night, I’ve always been nap-averse. There’s something else I could be doing. A story to read. A show to watch. I have a history of not wanting to be too alone in my head and this is why meditation has been so healing for me.

All this is to say, that I do occasionally lie my body down midday for sleep (or rest, really, I really don’t fall asleep easily) and today was one of those days. I haven’t figured out the right post-recovery for long runs yet and after my 9 miles run, feeding myself, and talking with my mom, I had this early afternoon headache come on and stomach ache of all things and because I am obtuse I really didn’t know what to do about it. Watch TV?

My brain kicked in enough and I chugged more water, popped an Advil, and laid down on the couch deciding at the last minute not to listen to my audiobook or meditate and just fucking close my eyes for twenty-five minutes until my laundry timer went off.

I don’t even think I even fell asleep, but those twenty-five minutes completely changed the trajectory of my afternoon. I sat up, headache and stomach ache gone, having received an ego-boosting text from one of my best friends about my writing, and happily went on with the day. Like happily, like smiling while walking to get my mail happy and getting my apartment clean and putting away my laundry and painting my nails red while watching Netflix and making dinner in before a Halloween party tonight. I feel like I’ve shed some of my stress and frustration from the workweek at last.

What’s that quote, most everything works if you turn it off and on again, even you? So a reminder to myself to up my nap frequency by a few notches. Yes, mom, you were right again.

With Love,
