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We moved a desk into my guest room last month, a hand-me-down from my parents. I figured it’d give more space to potential remote-working visitors in the future.

But this week I’ve started to use it. I doctored it up a bit, with a lamp, a few accessories, a couple of candles. I love my primary workspace, but I’ve been struggling with separating work from life. It’s hard to sit in the same spot I was in all day and then motivate myself to write fiction.

So I’m experimenting with the guest room. There are fewer distractions: no second monitor, no cats, no beautiful window to the lake. Just a high one to my left where I can see the treetops and the darkening sky. I’ve used it a few days this week and am making great progress fleshing out a detailed synopsis. Maybe this will be a phase or maybe it will stick, but either way, I love having more spaces to appreciate in my home.

Here’s to more writing evenings . . .

With Love,
