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Here is my favorite thing about my workplace: every Friday afternoon the entire company gathers together and gives one another shout-outs. 

These are recognitions of wins, of going above and beyond, of living our values . . . they are thank-yous. For little things, big things, for being people who help other people. 

My first day at my job was on a Friday, over five years ago, and we did this meeting, with less than fifteen people in the room. Now we do it with close to fifty. 

We’ve had times where this meeting is slow, even painful to listen to the silence as we drag appreciation out of people. We’ve had times where people, over three years ago now, wanted to cancel the meeting altogether. 

That was the time where I delivered a (written out and memorized) speech about gratitude during the meeting in defense of it and our culture and from that day on I’ve led it each week. 

No one’s ever suggested nixing it again and as long as I’m here it is here to stay.  

And it’s good because there are times where the room is overflowing with gratitude and thanks and camaraderie and people brings lists they wrote down so they can remember all the people they want to recognize and there are times where it gets real and I tear up in wonder that people can care as much as I do. 

And I do really care. That’s what makes the ups and downs tug-a-war with my heart, but I am grateful that we always come back to who we are: a company that ends each week on a thank you. 

With Love, 
