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Sickness often comes at me like a train on tracks I’m shackled to … I tug at the chain but really all I can do is wait until I’m flattened. I don’t really have consistent strategies on early prevention when I get sick. I’m the person who always googles ‘how to stop a cold’ when I’m already cresting the worst of it. Then there are rumors of Emergen-C packets or Airborne or chicken noodle soup … some things are probably true.

Yesterday I felt a lethargy come over me … a lethargy with a faint headache and a morning sore throat. A smorgasbord of mild plagues have bounced around my workplace in the last month, so I think I’m justified in being paranoid.

Here are the three basics I’m trying to stop this (whatever this is) in its tracks (or, at a minimum lessen the intensity).

Mr. Resistor

After work yesterday I got myself a couple of Mr. Resistor shots from Daily Juice – one for the evening and one for this morning. These were recommended to me over a year ago by my friend as a way to prevent oncoming sickness or at least shorten it. And as far as natural remedies go, I actually do believe this one has really helped me.

It’s a 2oz mixture of lemon juice, oregano oil, ginger, and cayenne pepper. Sometimes a whole lot of cayenne pepper. And hell, it burns. It’s not the kind of shot you take without a chaser of water or a fruit smoothie. But it feels like it’s burning all the yuck out of me. A lot of people make a similar mixture at home, the ingredients are pretty basic. I get lazy on this one and usually stop by the Daily Juice location down the street.

Drink Water

I am already diligent about drinking water each day but I’m trying to step up my game and over-fuel my immune system. I want my body hydrated and powered up to fight off what’s coming at me. I made sure to take my water bottle into all my meetings today and fill it up frequently.

And okay yes, I did have my morning Diet Coke. But I didn’t have my afternoon one? That counts for something.


I’m prioritizing sleep over exercise and routine. Last night I set my alarm an hour and a half later than normal to take in 8+hours instead of the normal 7ish I usually get during the week. This meant skipping some part of my routine (like writing in the morning and exercising) but as much as I hate to break the chain, I know I need to listen to my body and rest. Yes, I’m not out for the count today. Not even close. I could probably go on the long hike I like to do on Fridays. But this is one time I think I’m better served sitting on my couch and going to bed early.

I’m more mindful about this than I usually am since I’ve traveling next weekend. I’m sure I’m doing everything I can to give myself a break and recover these next few days.

Fingers crossed.

With Love,
