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The leaves brown at the edges
Like a marshmallow on the fire
Done just so — golden
When I run around the point tonight
The lake smells like fall

Someone says to me today
It’s too much to hold in your head
All the context switching I have to do
This and that and this
It doesn’t make sense
And I think, no, not quite
Because I’m writing first lines
In my mind as we speak
And maybe it’s better to do one thing
Maybe we can’t do everything
But, but, but —
Having only one definition
Has never fit right beneath my skin

The leaves brown, fall, grow again
I am not the evergreen
Try to glue me to the branches
And I’ll peel off with the winter wind

I say to someone today
Just because you don’t understand
Doesn’t mean that I don’t
Just because you have a linear plan
Doesn’t mean there isn’t a spiral
A labyrinth, a spiderweb
I can sway, I can stray
The roots beneath my feet
Have grown true, deep

With Love,
