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My beautiful best friend Jenna (who is a coach, an artist, a generous space-holder and so much more) has begun podcasting again recently. Her voice in my ear is so calming and grounding to me — all my friends should make podcasts so I can have more windows into their thoughts and their life.

About the podcast: The Dear Self With Love Podcast celebrates the infinite ways we can strengthen the one relationship that matters most – the one we have with ourselves. Explore how you can deepen your practices, enjoy your own company, hold yourself accountable, and be present to your growth.”

The first episode dropped last month on Valentine’s Day, The Joy of Dating Yourself. Which I love and is something I’ve tried to do consciously for years . . . like going to the movies alone. This has actually backfired in that I often prefer to go to movies by myself now (not that I’ve been to many since the pandemic). But there is a joy in enjoying your own company and this episode is a beautiful reminder of that.

The new weekly episode came out today: Practicing Presence Through Polaroid.

With Love,