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I don’t know if my family always decorated the day after Thanksgiving when I was growing up, but it feels true. So I bring in the boxes and the little fake Christmas tree and unbox my Barbie ornaments again. I line up the nutcrackers on the mantel and wonder if I should iron out the advent calendar that feels a little more wrinkled each year. 

Earlier this week I considered not decorating at all this year. I never managed to dig the Halloween decor out – the whole two hand towels and one cauldron’s worth. But that’s kind of . . . sad, isn’t it? And just because I don’t feel festive . . . for Halloween, for Thanksgiving, and maybe for Christmas too . . . doesn’t mean I can’t act festive. Perhaps festivity will follow. I found myself enjoying the holiday music in the grocery store earlier, bobbing my head in the dairy section. 

Maybe I decorated today because it gave me something to do while I listened to Iron Flame on audiobook. I finally started the sequel to Fourth Wing on my drive back from Madison this morning and I plowed through the first 30% of the massive book today – driving, decorating, cleaning. Rebecca Yarros is my hero and it’s going to kill me when I finish this and I have to wait for the next book—a friendly reminder for my friends to hop on this series because oh my god it’s excellent

There is something cozy about writing on the couch with the Christmas tree lit up. Six days left in NaNoWriMo. You have to hit 50,000 words to ‘win’ and I’m ending today at 42,521. Barring any disasters this week (knock on all the wood), I’m feeling optimistic. Of course, then I have to finish the story. I realized I was only halfway through the synopsis the other day so I’ll have to extend this project into December to get a complete trash draft. 

I did partake in another very American, capitalistic tradition today and shopped with some early Christmas money . . . hello new King-sized bed (being delivered in a few weeks). I’ve been wanting one forever and I stopped by the Verlo on the drive home. I had to give myself a pep talk going into the store that I was 31 and capable of buying a mattress on my own. We all give ourselves the ‘I am an adult’ reminders, right? 

The day after Thanksgiving ends with me rewatching Shadow and Bone season 2 (because I am devastated they are not making a season 3, thanks 2023). Netflix is making some bad choices lately. But at least I have some onscreen Wesper time I can rewatch. 

With Love,