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I was feeling a little pissy and on the defensive today. And honestly when I started writing it was to whine about how others aren’t grateful which oh. my. god. shut me up, right? I think that’s a sign that I need to embrace some gratitude myself and shake off the unexpected Monday moodiness. 

Listening to the Mental Wealth & Wellness podcast yesterday, the guest talked about owing her recent goal accomplishment to one thing: gratitude. She would intentionally feel grateful for milestones to her goal before even accomplishing them, really sink into the feeling and then celebrate when they happened. I thought that was such a powerful way to manifest — to expect and be grateful for the best of the world before it even arrives. 

I write about gratitude often perhaps because it’s so easy for me to stray from it. It’s so easy for me to want more, to want what’s next, to believe that people think like I do or want the same things or give and receive love like me. I am of all that. But I do count my blessings often too and one of them is that I can get through these Moody Mondays with as much grace as I can muster and try again and keep trying again and be grateful right now for all the best of the world ahead of me. Truly grateful. 

With Love,
