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We made a pact, my friends and I, years ago, that if one of us was in crisis, we could call it, and the other two would drop everything and go on a road trip.

The thing is, we’ve had our fair share of crises between the three of us in the last five years, and as we reflecting together last night, realized there was definitely cause to hit this metaphorical button.

But we didn’t. I didn’t. And let me tell you, I probably could’ve used a drop-everything road trip a few years ago.

So last night we decided to revisit this idea and make it a little more official. We each get one crisis button a decade. That means we drop everything and we go on a road trip (or backpack Europe or some other kind of journey-like intervention). Our new rule, though, is that we need a two out of three majority ruling. That means, in theory, we can push a person’s button for them. The ideal way is for the person to call it themselves but we all recognize that sometimes when you’re really in need of your friends that’s when it’s hardest to ask for what you need or even know what you need.

Last night we sealed it with a toast. And I took a photo of our video call. Three of us, currently in three different states, committing again and again to each other that we are not college friends, we’re lifelong friends.

We skipped on the blood oath, though it was on the table.

With Love,