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  1. Am I hungry?
  2. Am I dehydrated?
  3. Am I cold?

It’s incredible what a difference these basics can make on my attitude. Sometimes I search my brain for complex answers on why I’m not feeling well or why I’m feeling negative and on and on when I just need some edible energy. Or I need some water to prevent or cure a headache.

It’s Maslow’s hierarchy. When those basic physiological needs aren’t taken care of, I’m not thinking about my desire for self-actualization. There’s something to be said about mind over body, but the body is a powerful force. And I am fortunate enough to have the power to meet all my physiological needs — I can purchase food when I’m hungry and put on a fleece jacket when I”m cold at work and come home to place to comfortably sleep.

Life can feel very complicated, but this part of it really is not. But I need these reminders — these moments of mindfulness to pause and ask my body what it needs. Meditating has helped me sharpen this habit, but use whatever method you need to make sure your basics are addressed. I think we’re all easier to deal with when we’re fed, hydrated, rested. Making the world a less stressed out place starts with ourselves and at the bottom of the pyramid.

With Love,
