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“Playing is like that little pinch of salt in baguettes, it makes life tastier. “

Or so says Tom Dupain, father of my favorite Parisian superhero, as he implores his daughter to take a break and play video games. Last night, as I play Mario Kart for the first time in a year, — and at the risk of sounding braggadocious, destroy the competition — I agree that life is better salty.

Making rooms for games and play has made my life better. I’ve always been a board game enthusiast — steadily growing my collection of Monopolies — and I clocked enough hours on Mario Kart Double Dash growing up that my muscle memory still gives me an edge. Board Game Nights with friends have become staples of my social life — a welcome alternative to “going out” (unless it’s to the Board Game Bar, Vigilante) — and are easy ways to laugh and learn about one another.

But when I think about that pinch of salt, I also think it means making time for joy every day. Making a little time to dance to a favorite song or geek out about my fandom. It’s balance and moderation again since I know I start to feel guilty when I am all play and no work, but the reverse is a recipe for distraction and burnout. I like my work and my productivity, but I do it better when I remember to play.

So keeping salting those baguettes.

With Love,
