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To remember . . . below is the tarot spread I pulled last night. One card for each month of my 31st year, starting at the top and going clockwise. One overall card for the year in the middle. My friends showed me the spread, reminding me of the clock solitaire game.

It starts at the top, June, the Three of Swords (reversed). My tarot deck calls that card “The Heartbreak Card”. So I am a little too in tune with my deck. Around the clock, July is The Tower (reversed) (so pray for me) . . . and so on. My card for the year is the Eight of Swords which essentially boils down to “you’re not as trapped as you think you are”. The image shows a woman tied up but on closer inspection, there are ways to get free — call for help, use one of the swords to cut the ropes, etc

I’m documenting the image here to return to, month over month. It looks like a year of change, decisions, and finding a way through.

With Love,