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Talking about writing with writers is maybe my favorite thing to do? I got connected with a writer who was in Door County this week and we had an evening chat swapping our stories and talking about creativity, books, and Door County magic.

I’ve also been chatting with a couple of work colleagues this week about writing as well and we started a separate chat channel for the topic ongoing and I’ve query-exchanged with one person so we can give each other feedback (and moan about how hard it is to write query letters). (It is very hard.)

Tomorrow I’m attending the annual gala for Write On Door County and I’m sure they’ll be plenty more writing and book chat.

Let’s always talk about this. The words. The flow. The craft. The bizarre ways we get ideas. The incredible effort it takes some days to string together a single sentence. The feeling you get when a piece of the puzzle finally clicks into place. More of that, please.

With Love,
