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Here’s another life lesson I learn by watching my parents — when there’s a decision to be made, keep talking. My mom and dad are both great models of communication. They talk to one another and plan together and then change plans and talk until it fits and then get shit done. Sometimes this cycle appears to happen quickly, but when I step back most of their decisions come from a lot of conversation. Sometimes just a lot in a week or a day. Each one a small milestone that moves them forward.

I’m doing a lot of talking lately as I figure out some bigger decisions in my life. A lot of little conversations that feel like baby steps until suddenly you’re in a whole new place. I’ve learned this with myself too — just talk to myself (or write, just communicate). When I put pressure on my choices to happen right away is when I freeze, but if I can keep thinking and talking all of a sudden it doesn’t feel like I have to make a decision at all . . . it effortlessly locks into place.

Talking alleviates pressure — whether it’s naming hard things or clarifying what’s important to you. It is action, a step forward, a manifestation of what you want.

Manifest away. Talk it out.

With Love,