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It’s important to find space for recovery and recharge. To find it and give yourself permission to use that space. To take a day. Or two. After a busy wedding week and traveling up North, today I was surprised by how lethargic I still felt after a good night’s rest. I’ve moved a little slower today, going for a walk with my parents and putzing away the afternoon. I’m tired, in that beautiful way tiredness comes after expending energy on joy.

So today, I let myself just be in Door County, home with my parents. We went uptown to pick up fresh bread from the local bakery and my mom made sandwiches by cutting up all the fresh vegetables . . . a normal way, I know, but since I usually just go order a sandwich at a local Austin shop, it was entrancing to see a sandwich really (slowly) built from scratch.

Everything moves a little more slowly up in Door County. Even our walk today ended up taking twice as long because we kept running into neighbors and locals and even a new stranger to chat with along the road. More social hour than exercise but it was nice to see so much community and connection . . . even if I’ll probably go run with my headphones on (uninterrupted) instead tomorrow.

But it’s a deep breath, today. A good reminder to slow down after a fast-paced week (and a hectic few months). My body needed it, even if part of me wanted to expend energy right away enjoying everything Door County has to offer. But this is what Door County has to offer: peace.

With Love,
