50 Books

I’ve read 50 books so far this year. 30 were physical books; 20 I listened to the audio versions. I haven’t read at this pace since high school (though really all I’ve done is replace fanfiction hours with published works). A few books have been bad, most of them average and entertaining, a few amazing.

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Practicing Practice

I lead a monthly lunch & learn series at work for past graduates of our in-house leadership development program. It’s a discussion based program where I curate content – often a First Round article or Ted Talk – and we eat sandwiches and share our thoughts. It’s relatively well attended, though I couldn’t get any interest in the month I chose the theme diversity (the general squeamishness indicative of a bigger problem).

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Pomodoro Technique

The more I try to cram efficiency into my days, the more I see how natural distraction comes to me. Even things like picking up a book and reading I’ll find myself getting distracted by thoughts before I pick up the book. As I wrote about previously, I’m interested in doing more deep work and decreasing my phone time every day. All in all, strategies like scheduling focused time, locking my social apps during the day, and shutting my office door occasionally have helped.

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