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I went swimming today! This is probably the first time I’ve swum laps since late elementary school. I am . . . not great at it. But I got up early to get to YMCA in Fish Creek when it opened at 6 am and was in the pool soon after.

I swam without stopping for a half-hour, with an important caveat: I mainly stuck to the breaststroke. That was always my favorite stroke even when I was a kid and it turns out I can keep that up slow and steady. And then I tried the front crawl and holy shit that was so hard. I do not remember it being that hard. I know that’s the one that’s best for me, but I ended up just throwing in a handful of 25 meter stretches with the front crawl and then recovery with breaststroke.

To be honest, I’m not sure if I “like” swimming. I definitely like running better. But I also know it’s hard to like things you’re not good at and that takes time. I’m going to try to keep going and see where I get with it. If nothing else it’s forced meditation since I’m not listening to music or books while I’m in the pool like I do when I run or walk.

I’m calling it a win for today!

With Love,
