- A weekend where I did not check my work email. Not even once.
- A nine-mile trail run that was both hard and great.
- An afternoon playing D&D where my character had the most metal kill (it involved throat-slitting while whispering a secret into the dying man’s ear).
- My Saturday evening decadence.
- Leftover Pizza Hut.
- Waking without an alarm after nearly nine hours of rest.
- Fluffy fanfiction.
- An efficient morning shopping trip: new swimsuit and a red lace dress to wear at my friends’ wedding this spring.
- Writing. Actually revising and writing new scenes and spending a whole afternoon lost in a manuscript that I love.
- Sending five queries.
- Diet Coke. I am always grateful for Diet Coke.
- My frequent dance parties this weekend. Feeling strong and energized.
- Free! — the swimming anime.
- A hot bath.
- Clean laundry.
- A half-marathon registration and booked hotel.
- A good deal on new clothes from the Modcloth clearance.
- Cats who sleep on my shoulder while I read.
- Sparkling water, strawberry.
- Girl Scout Cookies.
With Love,