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  1. A weekend where I did not check my work email. Not even once.
  2. A nine-mile trail run that was both hard and great.
  3. An afternoon playing D&D where my character had the most metal kill (it involved throat-slitting while whispering a secret into the dying man’s ear).
  4. My Saturday evening decadence.
  5. Leftover Pizza Hut.
  6. Waking without an alarm after nearly nine hours of rest.
  7. Fluffy fanfiction.
  8. An efficient morning shopping trip: new swimsuit and a red lace dress to wear at my friends’ wedding this spring.
  9. Writing. Actually revising and writing new scenes and spending a whole afternoon lost in a manuscript that I love.
  10. Sending five queries.
  11. Diet Coke. I am always grateful for Diet Coke.
  12. My frequent dance parties this weekend. Feeling strong and energized.
  13. Free! — the swimming anime.
  14. A hot bath.
  15. Clean laundry.
  16. A half-marathon registration and booked hotel.
  17. A good deal on new clothes from the Modcloth clearance.
  18. Cats who sleep on my shoulder while I read.
  19. Sparkling water, strawberry.
  20. Girl Scout Cookies.

With Love,
