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Today is Stranger Things 4 day. Looking forward to and binging great TV is one of my favorite distractions. I love the rewatching in preparation. The counting down. The making an event out of it. The calculations I do in my head to figure out how many episodes I’ll do and when. Will I wake up early or wait until after work? How much should I watch tonight so I don’t spend all of a beautiful Saturday on it . . . and just limit it to the morning?

It is not everyone’s favorite way to consume content, but it’s mine. It’s fun to be excited. It’s fun to watch things fast and first . . . mostly because I hate spoilers. But I loved to be consumed in the world and the characters. To hold my breath, to cry. An outlet for my tears this week that feels cathartic rather than hopeless.

And also they weirdly keep referencing Emerson College? So that’s fun.

With Love,
