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My health plan this year provided us with step tracker bracelets and, should we choose to participate, contributes money into our health savings account if we hit daily step goals. I’ve never had a step tracker before, but it was free and I figured I was already exercising so I might as well get paid for it. (The counter-argument is what these insurance companies might do with all this health data, but I am startlingly unconcerned about it).

Since this is a group health plan through my work, there is a rankings board so we can see how we compare to our colleagues. The ranking board averages your steps throughout the month. There is no extra prize for being at the top of the board, but the spirit of competition has been lit within a few of us.

In February, I ended at the top of the board. For March, I made a bet with my friend Ashley. Whoever ends March ranked as number one is owed dinner at the restaurant of their choice. It’s a win-win for friendship and exercise. As of this morning (three days in) our average is 400 steps apart. I’m in second. Looks like I’m going to be doing some extra walking this month to keep up.

You manage what you measure and having more data about my daily movement inevitably has made me move more. I probably shouldn’t need gold stars to motivate me; after all, being healthy is its own reward. But I like competition, more than I realized until lately.

Gretchen Rubin; Strategy of Monitoring

To up my step count, I’m thinking about ways I can add smaller bursts of movement into my day. My exercise classes and weight-lifting routine is already set, what I need are short walks to get up and away from my desk. The program rewards you if you do six short “frequency” walks each day anyway. I’ve also started running once or twice a week and have wanted to get back into that exercise habit. Maybe March is the month. On the weekends, I’ve been enjoying long walks on Sundays, weather permitting, and as we head into spring in Austin the weather should permit.

Win or lose (and I’ll try to win) this bet with my friend lets me know I’m not in it alone. Sharing some of my new habits and health goals with a few of my friends has been extremely motivating and reaffirming.

Until then, I better wrap up and get stepping.

With Love,
