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The day before vacation is always a long one. The frenzied bid to get everything you can done and make sure you’re not leaving people in a lurch while you’re out. Well, I do the best I can.

That’s the problem with work, isn’t it? There’s always more it.

It’s infinite. Unlike time — my experience of it is finite. Four thousand weeks, as Oliver Burkeman wrote about. Time is a wave that cannot be stopped. So if I’m along for the ride, I want to spend more of my time in joy, in love, in peace.

This week, I’ll spend that time in Hawaii. With my family. Time with my thoughts that are not about work. Thoughts about stories. About the future. Thoughts about the prep I need to do for my D&D campaign. Thoughts about the books I’m reading and the podcasts I’m listening to. Time to rest, in the deeper sense of the word.

I’m happy to finally be on vacation, though it doesn’t quite feel like it yet. Tomorrow, when I don’t set a 4 am alarm, it will.

With Love,
