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I don’t know what happened to my internet algorithms this week but somatic exercises have been coming up as suggestions for me all over the place. Then I read from my friend’s weekly newsletter and she was ALSO talking about somantic exercises.

I also had no idea what somatic exercise or movement even meant. I’m still only vaguely clear. This article from Peloton gave a brief definition that made sense to me:

“Somatic movement helps people get in tune with their body, release built-up emotions, let go of trauma, and manage mental health,” says Peloton instructor Kristin McGee. “Somatic movement is done consciously and focuses on the internal experience rather than the outcome,” she says. “Exercise is physical activity that is done to improve your strength, fitness, endurance, mobility or overall health. I often think of somatic movement as movement for the sake of movement and internal connection as opposed to movement for an end goal or result—even if it also does improve mental well-being.”

My friend linked this video from The Workout Witch who talks about releasing stored trauma in your hips through somatic exerices. And this Workout Witch has a 30-day course . . . and I need a 30-day something right now. So I started it and did a 20-minute full body relaxing the last two days as the start of the course. It involved a lot of gentle rocking movements that were very soothing.

I’ve been trying to ground back in my body again after not taking very good care of it through a stressful few months. Just small steps. Drinking more water. Trying to go to bed a little earlier. Going for walks. Eating more fruits and veggies. I even made a smoothie today with a very generous amount of spinach. There is spinach in my fridge.

I am a creature of cycles, not habit, so I’m giving myself grace to do what I can and follow what makes my body feel the most cared for right now. And my body has been pretty clear with me that it wants some more TLC than I’ve given it recently. So we’re working on that together.

With Love,
