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A day of small movements . . . 

The dance in the morning, around the living room, building my energy for a day of back-to-back meetings. The key is the clothes I think, that make me feel like I can move. Just jeans and a black shirt but I love these jeans and my black shirt. I put on lipstick. 

The walk after work, listening to a book, and then switching to music so I can think about plot points as I walk through the woods to the cottage. It’s hot, I switched into shorts, but it’s so much better to be in the sun than to watch it from the window while on your ninth Zoom call.

Playing ping pong with my cousins, four and six years old, chasing stray balls, sweating in the humidity, laughing because kids are the fucking best. Even though you can’t swear around them. We skip and throw rocks in the water while the bright orange sun lowers to the lake.

Biking home, near sunset, thinking to myself that a day of small movements can make a big impact.

With Love,
