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Sixty years old
Still laughing like a little kid
You are never too old
To make a wish
To celebrate another year

I would be so lucky
To age with as much humor and wisdom
The dad-isms I collect
Are the compass to my days
I would be so lucky
To turn sixty and be so wholly myself

When I look out at the water
I remember how you taught us
About how ships sail into the wind
When I look up at the sky
I remember how you taught us
How to find the North Star
When I drive up the right hill
I remember how you taught us
About the glaciers pushing up the land
When I find my world changing
I remember how you taught us
To make a plan, then deviate
Change – the only constant

Here’s to sixty lucky years
The universe has had you on earth
And to many, many more

With Love & Happy Birthday Dad!