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Silence is a lesson learned from the many sufferings of life.


My dad, a true hero, got me groceries while I was still in bed this morning. He dropped them off a few minutes before my first meeting and in that time asked me if I had read the message from The Daily Stoic for that day. I had not, but he thought it’d be relevant for what I’ve experienced this week.

I’ve read it now, here’s the passage for August 5th:

Recall the last time you said a really boneheaded thing, something that came back to bite you. Why did you say it? Chances are you didn’t need to, but you thought doing so would make you look smart or cool or part of the group. “The more you say,” Robert Greene has written, “the more likely you are to say something foolish.” To that we add: the more you say, the more likely you are to blow past opportunities, ignore feedback, and cause yourself suffering. The inexperienced and fearful talk to reassure themselves. The ability to listen, to deliberately keep out of a conversation and subsist without its validity is rare. Silence is a way to build strength and self-sufficiency.”

Just going to leave this here.

With Love,