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Sick day today, spent in bed with kleenex and DayQuil, and a brain that isn’t quite working but tried to do a couple of hours of work anyway. Ever notice a typo in every one of your messages to coworkers? Time to log off.

So with the rest of my time I read trash fanfiction, played some Stardew Valley with Schitt’s Creek on in the background, watched A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix, and watched the movie Just Like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo from forever ago. And then, just now, I spent some time rereading a handful of scenes from cat story because I couldn’t quite land on the vibe of entertainment my brain was seeking until I realized that was it. I really love that story.

My family brought me takeout and I congratulated myself for getting up at some point to shower and then getting back in bed. So it’s that kind of sick day—one where the shades never go up and I don’t see the sun.

Let’s send out some good vibes for a magical recovery when I wake up?

With Love,
