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No apologies for the double gushing post because my brain is literally incapable of thinking about anything else after I finished the season last night. And I can’t spoil here because I have at least a couple of readers who did not do the rational thing and watch thirteen episodes in one day (*side eye*), but it is not an exaggeration for me to say that I’ve never watched a season of a show, never watched a show end, while feeling such amazement, disbelief, and happiness. Never, even as I categorized that tattoos on my body — all the fandoms I love — could I find one instance of the pure perfection that She-Ra has given me . . . and the world. Seriously, 2020 is fucking saved.

I had to go back to Tumblr (college throwback) to go through the fandom tag to try to process what I was feeling. Safe to say I didn’t get much sleep last night. But then when I got up this morning (slightly miffed that it wasn’t still thunder-storming so I did in fact have to go on a run), I had all this stored energy and went for my longest yet — 15 miles. I’m not gonna lie, the last five miles were rough, but the first half of the run was powered by She-Ra feelings and strength. I had to listen to music instead of my audiobook because I knew I wouldn’t hear a word.

The amount of times I’ve started talking to myself out loud in absolute glee – squeals were involved – have dotted my hours since I finished last night. It happened when I was meditating this afternoon and plain forgot I was doing that because I was just replaying scenes in my head.

If tattoo parlors were open, I’d have marched myself there this afternoon. I got my Voltron tattoo two days after that series ended (it was the right decision) so I wouldn’t even question it.

Have y’all had enough yet? Are you watching She-Ra yet?

(How about this — it has canonically queer couples, trans and nonbinary characters, boys who are not afraid to show their emotions and show affection and support, girls who are strong and feminine or strong and not feminine and it’s all valid, disabled and autistic characters who are more than that . . . and at its heart it’s about friendship, strength, love, forgiveness, redemption . . . and the stakes are so high at the end, uffda)

Yesterday I said I’d probably figured out I was gay faster if I’d had this show in my life growing up. Now that’s an understatement. Just, bless.

Anyway, I’m handling this in a perfectly normal way and the rest of you are crazy for not rearranging your entire schedule to experience what I have just experienced.

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.

With Love,
