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When you love people you want to share with them what you love. At least, I do. The experiences and the stories. There’s this desperation to recreate my own perspective in someone else by doing my best to plant them in my footprints. Do you see it? Do you feel it too?

It’s about being understood, right? When people share with me it’s about understanding.

I like to love things deeply and loudly and sometimes I do keep the corners of them private for myself. But there’s this sense of closure (validation?) when someone loves something I love.

I am trying not to write another She-Ra post, but obviously in this moment I’m talking about She-Ra. I rewatched the show with Cara and Lin as they led up to final season for the first time. In the two weeks since the finale I’ve processed (this pure fucking gift to the universe and specifically to me) alone, waiting for the moment today when two people I love could talk with me and love it too and get it.

And of course, they got it. Like immediate agreement that we’re all getting matching tattoos for it even though none of us had planned to get She-Ra tattoos before this final season. It was monumental. Some endings tear you apart but this show feels like being whole.

Some of my restlessness of holding this thing I love alone has settled in sharing the experience with my friends. At least I didn’t have to wait long, unlike getting them to watch Haikyu!! (volleyball anime) which took years and which after they did watch it bought us matching t-shirts because they love it so much.

Maybe the point I’m making is that I love really good stuff so everyone should hurry up and get on board?

No, it’s that I’m lucky to have people in my life where we all see each other so clearly.

I doubt this will be the last She-Ra post. No apologies.

With Love,
