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Shadow & Bone, the Netflix series based on Leigh Bardugo’s books, premiered today. I have been eagerly awaiting it for years and Cara, Lin, and I are spending our last vacation day together binge-watching the whole series. It is an amazing choice. And the right one.

We actually didn’t plan to watch it all today, just to start it, but it is exceeding expectations and we’re in it now. The TV series blends two of Bardugo’s book series – the Shadow & Bone trilogy and the Six of Crows duology. I’ve read both, but Six of Crows is one of my favorite books of all time and I’ve done my best to peer pressure people in my life to read it. (This is me once again peer pressuring you).

The show is following the first trilogy but is dropping our Six of Crows characters into it before their timeline in the books — so it’s introducing this beautiful element of chaos and a very fanfiction-like quality that is a joy to watch.

It’s fun to watch with my friends who are also invested in these characters and the story . . . it’s like being a movie theater on opening night with a bunch of die-hard fans and you can all feed off each other’s reactions.

Please read Six of Crows everyone. And then watch this show. What a joyous way to wrap up my week off.

With love,
