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I got my second booster shot yesterday afternoon, which meant I spent today fatigued and battling a low fever. It was expected, but still. No one wants to have a fever on a beautiful spring day in Door County.

The symptoms were strangely deceiving. When I first woke up I thought I was fine, if only because during previous vaccinations the fever had stirred me in the middle of the night. I made all these optimistic plans for my day. But then when I stood up and started walking around I felt chilled and dizzy and finally took my temperature. I managed to do a few loads of laundry, but most of my day was spent finishing a young adult book (All That’s Left in the World by Erik J. Brown . . . a queer post-apocalyptic story that I very much enjoyed) and rewatching the first season of Stranger Things.

I’m sure most of the symptoms will be gone by tomorrow or the next day and I’m grateful I was able to get the immunity boost with summer coming up . . . I’ll be traveling more, seeing people more, and with my vaxed and boosted friends still getting put through the wringer with Covid, I’ll take whatever protection I can get. It’s worth a day or two bored on the couch.

With Love,
