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It’s helpful to remember that things change. Like the cycles of the moon. Like the seasons.

Right now I’m in a busy season at work. My days are meetings (eleven, today) and my work spills into the evening and is hard to shake from my thoughts when I fall asleep. It’s good work overall, forward moving, and I’m being challenged in a way that I know will help me grow. But is this sustainable? At least for me, no.

But I know it’s a season. I’ve been in times of change and long days before and they cycle to a slower pace. Unpredictably. But the wheel moves forward.

It helps for me to remember, on those redline days, that they won’t last forever. That the work I’m doing is working towards that. That I can buckle down for a season and then there will be a time of rest and steadiness.

I think about the pandemic too. This is a season. The world moves forward. It will change. It’s unpredictable and painful and we need to do the work to move towards something better . . . but it will come.

Very few things are forever. Often, that’s a good thing.

With Love,
