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I spent most of my Saturday volunteering at Write On’s writing center. They needed someone to sit at the desk so the center could stay open since all the staff was going to be out. I’ve been wanting to do more volunteering with them, but so many of the events or times they need interfere with my work week so this was a perfect opportunity to contribute in a really easy way. I’ve sat at the desk once before and the writing center was mostly empty the whole time. Today, it was completely empty. Five hours of a beautiful building to myself where I watched my show, read my book, and took care of a few life logistics.

For a while, I found myself just sitting, book waiting in my lap. Not doing anything but thinking. Or maybe it was pseudo-meditating. My mind feels so busy that I think I needed that quiet space outside of my home to just exist for a while today. Better time spent quieting my mind there then keeping me from falling asleep or waking me up in the middle of the night. A sunset run today also did wonders to calm heart. Even though it’s very cold now. I’m pulling out extra layers for that wind chill.

I have a fire going tonight and a heat pack on my neck and pizza in the fridge and a rotation of laundry going. Creating little beautiful moments on my Saturday. Clean laundry really is a little joy for me.

Notably I didn’t do much writing at the writing center today, though I did journal a bit. But being back in the space was a good reminder of all the writing I have done there and a call to return. Maybe next weekend.

With Love,
