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My friend tells me about the plants they sing to
Little dogwood saplings in the backyard
They will water and nurture as they grow

I have never kept so much as a succulent alive
But I like to marvel at how high the trees reach
Or let myself sweat in the direct sunlight

I keep the windows cracked through the afternoon rain
The damp smell of late spring and the wind off the lake a revival
I pour Diet Coke into a mug and sip and sit and rest the afternoon away

The cats watch the squirrels play bandit at the bird feeder
And alternate snoozes in my lap so I am planted in place
Happily — happily rooted on a wet, gray skied day

I let the world go still
I imagine roots tattooed from my ankles
To the soles of my feet
To the ground beneath

Shall I sing to myself?
Will it help me grow?

With Love,