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It’s true what they say, if you are having side effects after the vaccine they really only do last 1-2 days. I was pretty flattened on Thursday and fatigued yesterday, but this morning felt back to normal. In fact, I ran 11 miles. So if I scared anyone off with my whining (I am not really the suffer in silence type), you can rest assured it’s not that bad, it’s over quickly, and then the full miracle of being fully vaccinated kicks in.

God, I’m so grateful. All that imagining of “what is the first thing you’re going to do once you’re safe and vaccinated?” isn’t some abstract exercise anymore. It feels real and hopeful in a way I never would have dreamed back in the fall.

Eating at a restaurant? Having neighbors over for a cocktail hour? Traveling to see my friends? These are possibilities in the near future. What a miracle.

I went hiking this afternoon with my brother and sister-in-law on the canal walk in Sturgeon Bay, one of my favorites in Door County. It’s in the 50’s today, sunny. We eat lunch out on the deck for the first time in months and later I meditate there, leaning back so my face gets the full force of the sun.

I don’t really celebrate Easter anymore — in fact, I keep having to be reminded it’s a holiday weekend — but as far as new beginnings go, I feel the spirit of it. It feels like a day of revival.

With Love,
