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I am having the slowest Saturday. In a good, but unplanned way. I actually had all these productive agenda items I was going to tackle today, but honestly my brain never quite woke up. My work week was packed and I ended Friday exhausted, hungry, and with a weekend to-do list.

But this is a lesson about listening to your body. And my body needed rest today. Physically — to nurse some running injuries — and mentally. I read and watched a movie and ate comfort food. At first I was feeling guilty about it. I kept telling myself I needed to get to my desk and get x, y, & z done but every time I got close . . . sitting at my desk with my computer open close . . . I couldn’t make it happen. Eventually, I gave myself this permission to rest today and do whatever I felt like I needed to do.

After all, I don’t want to feel guilty for not working on a Saturday.

By late afternoon I talked myself into completing the easiest item on the to-do list while I put on Brooklyn 99 in the background, but the big, brain-needs-to-be-on stuff needs to wait until I have another night’s sleep in me.

I have a real reset coming up in a week. I’ve been looking forward to my week off for a while and today reinforced that I’m more burned out that I realized. I really love my job, but I’ve been putting a lot in this year and I need an extended clarity break.

But for now, a quiet evening, talking to my best friend, and probably some fluffy fanfiction. Rest.

With Love,
