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We had one of those perfect relaxed family Sundays today. I joined my parents and Kai on a morning walk, he napped for most of it but then we had to hurry back at the end to give him his bottle. When Kai cries right now it seems only to mean one thing: he’s hungry.

The weather has been magnificent this weekend, so much so that we went kayaking for my first time this season. Being out on the water felt great and we mostly had the lake to ourselves.

I did a lot of hanging out with Kai today, and my sister-in-law walked over with me to my place so he could briefly meet the cats (Merlin hissed, he can be territorial but not physical). She also showed me how to use a soft baby wrap with Kai. Back at the cottage, I finished my book (Spell Bound by F.T. Lukens) while using my foot to bounce Kai in his bouncer. We were both very content.

Before dinner we all went for a hay ride (actual hay not present yet) in the new wagon my dad built for the tractor. Down Mariner Road and then up Lori Lane. It’s very peaceful and will be a lot of fun for Kai when he gets older and all my little cousins when they visit this summer.

I’m returning home tired from a full day and lots of fresh air, but that’s the best kind.

With Love,